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Spider the Civil Engineer

Fumigate the neglected rooms of Caleb, Backing this up with prayers at Mount Horeb And tomorrow, another ever wavy web From an irksome zeal that wouldn’t ebb! Guess: from the Eight – Legged Catcher of Insect Which dares to its lodge near and inspect. The Arachnid with a True Architect’s mind Never by civil engineers judged behind; Often swiftly replacing their cherished structures Immodestly pulled down by no-nonsense cleaner: A painless recreation of the thread-like mixtures, At long last emerging their destroyer’s winner. The spider’s masterful labyrinth – a dazzle The all-time brain-teasing cobweb and puzzle Its rating on scale, second to The Ant When it gets busy, still would not pant… But watch it: A Harbinger of Vexations Nightmare For the weary one now running the sleeps-race A sound slumber by ninety percent rare, If the spider should decide to face a glazed face: Satan’s snake I saw lose its life to Tarantula The kingly Spider with a hairiness that is titular.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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