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Specifying Defying

lets give it a shape twisted lines of 3-d scribbles starts and ends nose to tail maybe marshmallow squidges syphoned through gossamer ether missed mist of missing moments nope how about colour black and greys that shamble between each other blushing pinks with lips of rogue rouges Golden slips that shimmer with simpering sympathies Blacks of oil slick sins and surrenders yells of yellows bloated blues kinda missed again no shapes no sides no hues to tag its worth easier to describe the blessings of the wind the dribble on the chin tell the end of the begin holding tear upon the eyelid sometime shown others hid when pain begins to turn the abyss beauty viewed from within feverishly cold intensively simple intimately confused the touch that must be felt braces with a belt insanity making reality melt love is what

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