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Sounds That Echo

Sounds that Echo I have heard the deafening sounds of this raging River. In her silence, echoes a voice that did make me quiver. For, the essence of her diatribes at me, did deliver a message so cruel, so cold, it made my spirit shiver to think that all I gave, unappreciated was this giver. From her heart, the depth of her soul, not a sliver of compassion, of understanding, of acceptance. She never even gave this silly old fool a chance at the joys, the pleasures of a slow dance, nor the intimacies, the passions of romance. B. J. “A ” 2 May 17th 2017

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 10/1/2017 1:24:00 PM
You are right we humans are always looking for some one or some thing else to blame for our behaviour. I hope your heart has mended, you are not silly at all. Your poem makes me sad for your situation. It is so clear and honest.
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Patricia Cresswell
Date: 10/4/2017 12:35:00 PM
I live in south central O ntario on Nottawasauga Bay. In a forest lol. It is my most favourite place to be and where I am connected to the earth. Is is also where my poetic talent needs to be, to be at its best.
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William J. Jr. Atfield
Date: 10/2/2017 12:37:00 PM
Good morning Patricia : So nice to see another set of words or two from you !!! Based on your previous comments, on my stuff “ B C A Flame ” Patricia, the time difference and your spelling of “ behaviour. ” I have to assume that you are a Prairie Girl ??? How true Patricia, “ we humans are always looking for some one or some thing else to blame for our behaviour. ” Thank you Patricia, for your concern “ I hope your heart has mended, ”. Oh it has my Dear, it had soon after our forty five day trip, were I drove her across Canada, from BC to as far as Quebec City, down to
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William J. Jr. Atfield
Date: 10/2/2017 12:36:00 PM
Boston Massachusetts and back in 2007. It was, that I was still her friend after that trip {{ the love I felt for her lingered on }} and I considered her mine ???, as we spent plutonic time together over these years. I even involving her in my art / movie project and introduced her to the Board of ArtsConnect {{ of which I am a Director and their secretary }} also promoting her artistic abilities. The bottom line is that she houses two of the three paintings I commissioned her to do for me and the project “ Riverview Our iconic land scape ” for the past two years. I wanted to display all three paintings at our December AGM 2016 . She refused to turn them over and in an email stated that “ don’t assume that these painting are yours ”. This has forced me to start proceedings to sue her for my paintings. She now, although we live only one hundred feet from each other will not speak to, or even look at me.
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William J. Jr. Atfield
Date: 10/2/2017 12:32:00 PM
This my Dear, is the basses for, the essence of “ Sounds that Echo ”, The Polish princess is a piece of work that I fell in love with in two thousand and in 2006 had an opportunity to express it even thought I did not know at the time what my feeling truly represented for those five, empty years . One day in 2006 it just hit me, I was in love with this person that had no feelings for me. This is the reason for “ this silly old fool ” . Please do not let “ Your poem makes me sad for your situation.” this influence your emotions !!!, for it was a long time ago and besides it was and will be moments that enlighten. My philosophy is simple “ Life is to be lived, it is built upon moments after moments !!! I believe that one, as I do, should jump into each and every moment with both feet, suck the life out of them and move on to the next ” Sorry for taking up so much of your time with my insanity !!! B. J. “A” 2 {{ Bill .}}
Date: 9/25/2017 5:30:00 AM
wow the imagery so did deliver a message so cruel,so cold.... Thats how the world is
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William J. Jr. Atfield
Date: 9/25/2017 1:09:00 PM
In spite of everything that has gone down Bob, I appreciate that you are still one of the very few who still visit my site. I truly appreciate your praise of my stuff “ wow the imagery so did deliver a message so cruel,so cold.... ” although the woman, the princess as I called her, {{ sarcastically }}being the essence of this poem was “ so cruel,so cold.... ” to me, that does not make “ Thats how the world is ”, for the world has very little or nothing to do with human nature and how humans treat each other Bob. It is a sad state of affairs when man has to put the blame on something like {{ the World }} for their actions and reactions . I do hope and pray that you have been able to resolve your medical issues ??? and that all is well ??? Bill .

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry