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Soulful Strut

feet marching to the heavens where dreams and martyrs dwell where freedom plays its fife in the rhythm of darkness chains and whips begone rituals of rope and poplar trees as well these cudgels are no longer my legacy on shoulders of the past this heir who knows how I counter could be my lot could be my hell

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 11/22/2020 6:47:00 PM
My dear friend, your poem brings me to the center of emotions that require courage to bear. There is enormous courage in your "soulful strut", Richard. As "a child on shoulders of the past", can you see an end to racial injustice and division on the horizon? I admire the bravery of those shoulders you stand on and the bravery of those marching today. I pray everyday for the rising sun to enlighten dim shadows standing in the way of freedom's new day. It will take much more than prayers, I'm afraid. I embrace your graceful pen and your lionheart, dear poet, dear friend. Warmest wishes always.. ~Susan
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Ricky Muse
Date: 12/10/2020 7:31:00 PM
Thank you, thank you, thank you Susan. You are an excellent support mechanism. Writing poetry is a lonely endeavor for me so when such a stellar critique comes my way I appreciate it immensely. Oh and yes I can see an end to racial injustice and division on the horizon but it will take a collective effort not a one sided one.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry