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Soul Present In the community of my mind I am spoken too Gentle reminders Whispers pose of guidance Financed in peace and love Agape ~ My body, mind and soul in Renaissance In do bevelance I heed the call My Father speaks to me... As my Soul is ever-present
2/18/25 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr.2025 A beautiful and uplifting expression of spiritual connection, inner guidance, and the presence of our soul! A sense of gentle introspection, reminding us that our souls are always present, guiding us towards peace, love, and Renaissance. Inner guidance "Gentle reminders...Whispers pose of guidance" Spiritual connection"My Father speaks to me...As my Soul is ever-present" Peace and love"Financed in peace and love...Agape" Personal growth and transformation "My body, mind and soul in Renaissance" Inspiring interpretations Tune into the inner guidance, listening for the gentle whispers of their soul. For we are never alone, and that our souls yearn for whispers Scriptural reinforcement: - Psalm 23:3: "He refreshes my soul." - Proverbs 20:27: "The spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all his innermost parts." - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20: "You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies."

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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Date: 2/18/2025 1:09:00 PM
Well said James. We are bought and paid for by His gift and this refreshes and restores our souls.
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