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“Goodnight — may you fall asleep in the arms of a dream, so beautiful, you’ll cry when you awake.” — Michael Faudet, Author

A Sam Scott poem:
9th June 2024

Listen to poem:
I wonder if You hear my thoughts I love you With a thousand noughts Invisible Like a gentle breeze Of affirmation Rustles trees I wonder if Within your dreams Affection flows As living streams Of hope and joy Into your mind As eyelids flutter Undefined I wonder if As night revolves You hug me And all fear dissolves For as you dwell In distant land In nightime world I hold your hand To skip and laugh To sit and be Content to share Your company I wonder if Love, so terrific Still lives beyond The soporific

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 6/19/2024 11:09:00 AM
Dear Sam, When I read this, I thought what a tender bud, created with love and longing. I felt that each and every stanza danced like a gentle breeze while rustling the leaves of affection. Yes, for as night revolves, fear dissolves, and into the nighttime world. Your words hold and embrace hands with hope. Love, so terrific, lives beyond the soporific—a beautiful truth you’ve painted. - Blessings, My Dear Friend, Daniel
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Scott Avatar
Sam Scott
Date: 6/19/2024 9:40:00 PM
Your observations are wonderful, Daniel, thank you S :)
Date: 6/13/2024 10:02:00 AM's that word "soporific"...teetering on the razor sharp edge of ... this world and that of where we go to when we sleep. Do we as if in the present remain together holding hands when we travel into that realm ... that realm we go to when we succomb to Morpheus... when we sleep? I suspect we do not. I love this poem of yours very much, because it makes one think...when we close our eyes and slip off the edge into that other world, do we at all hold on to the one we love most (outside ourselves). I think we are separated, and on our own journey.
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Scott Avatar
Sam Scott
Date: 6/13/2024 11:56:00 PM
Candide - your comment has encouraged me for you interpret well. Is this a current love inhabiting our world? Maybe. Or someone dearly loved who has traversed to another sphere? Also maybe. Love is a powerful and mysterious connection we try and make sense of it and often fail as humans, cheapening it somehow. And yet poets, such as we are, can be the true voice of love capturing the mystery, dignity and vastness of this hard-worked little word. Blessings and thank you S :) x
Diderot Avatar
Candide Diderot
Date: 6/13/2024 10:09:00 AM
"For as you dwell In distant land In nightime world I hold your hand To skip and laugh To sit and be Content to share Your company I wonder if Love, so terrific Still lives beyond The soporific..."
Date: 6/9/2024 3:17:00 PM
This is a beautiful, dreamy poem dear Sam that gently floats away on your soothing, dulcet tones. The picture is pretty amazing too! I love the flow and rhyme here - like a gentle breeze through rustling trees. It’s a very reflective read and perfect for late night reading. I love your creative imagination and always look forward to seeing what you create next. This was a delightful read. I also love and appreciate your own unique style as I’ve said before - never feel hurried when reading your
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Scott Avatar
Sam Scott
Date: 6/9/2024 9:02:00 PM
Always love to read your enthusiastic comments dear Christina, thank you as ever. S :) x
Bowring Avatar
Christina Bowring
Date: 6/9/2024 3:18:00 PM
wonderful work with the use of short lines that convey so much. Loved it. Really liked the quote too. Hope you’ve had a great weekend my friend. Blessings and smiles to you x :) :)

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