Sonnet C
My muse hides from sight in the Sonnet C
Surfing the waves of rhyme, ignoring me
We unlock the secrets of the Silence
Poet Destroyer’s mine in alliance
You forged a fling in the Winged Warrior?
Fly clear of any grammar barrier,
or did you play SKAT and steal an Ace card?
I know you slept and dreamt of him, The Bard
Fly back, leave the Red Fiery and her friends
At Broken Wings? we can still make amends!
Drink my words and fuel your buoyant mind
We paint a picture, one in mastermind
Art lives for ever, lead my words my muse
No death can from this page our words refuse
Respect to Shakespeare’s Sonnet C
and all other poets listed or implied
Sonnet C
Where art thou Muse that thou forget'st so long,
To speak of that which gives thee all thy might?
Spend'st thou thy fury on some worthless song,
Darkening thy power to lend base subjects light?
Return forgetful Muse, and straight redeem,
In gentle numbers time so idly spent;
Sing to the ear that doth thy lays esteem
And gives thy pen both skill and argument.
Rise, resty Muse, my love's sweet face survey,
If Time have any wrinkle graven there;
If any, be a satire to decay,
And make Time's spoils despised every where.
Give my love fame faster than Time wastes life,
So thou prevent'st his scythe and crooked knife.
Copyright © Just James | Year Posted 2016
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