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Sonnet 22

Old memories can not evict my love My heart is but a flute that plays her tune Images of the days shared I think of And of her love, myself, I am immune When she is in my mind emotions move Or so they swim through nerves from head to toe 'Twas her I've loved, her love I can't remove Through my minds eyes that blink her more to grow Decades have passed and days have distanced time And walls have closed, and I am still alive Her beauty shines upon the beast of mine Still glowing in that bulb, dost she derive Through life and many pages that I turn A portrait of her love I can not burn

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 8/19/2011 2:49:00 PM
Johnny, this is just how I feel about my late husband. He is always in my heart and it's hard to love another. I LOVE the couplet at the end. Decades have passed since John died and these pages I will never burn. Love, Carolyn
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Date: 8/15/2011 1:07:00 AM
A true enjoyment with your sonnet, Johnny. . How are you? Me i'm just stopping by to say hi and catch up on some of my reading. Love the meaning one can give another when it comes to reading poetry. Have yourself a wonderful evening. God bless & take care,..Linda
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Date: 8/14/2011 7:41:00 PM
Creater of the best sonnets, you do it all the time, with your fascinating rhyme. You are the best!
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