Spoon and smacks, a sweet screw and strap,
Skank cucumbers, sugar's hammer bed;
The donut hotdog, sausage swing to lap,
A slide of neck, a drum of meat and head.
Fur, nipples, pickles, bear, and bull do juice,
The twine, pole, grab leather boots;
Belts, handcuffs, laces, panties, and the noose,
Sword, slave, lipstick, eel, antler, and the hoot.
*****, tunnel, clam, purr, kitty, volcano,
Mussel, worm, shell, and underwear of fleece,
Pussy, thermostat, screams of spank and hollo,
Ashley, pomegranate, hips, and strawberry kiss;
Peach butt cheek, bite, chokecherry and the lips,
Tunnel, vulva, cherry, breasts, and neck.
Copyright © Josh Moore | Year Posted 2025
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