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Song of The Golden Shower No 2: ABBA

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Poetic Form: Crown of Sonnets: Enclosed Rhyme
Inspired: 2023 December 29
Image: Cassia fistula by Wikipedia


Nature goes on living with the ... neglects, sprung the lands that I would say, Namaste, stretched from lands that were Siam to Malay, Golden Shower Tree spreads out its respects. Stately endurance breadth branches outward, it's somewhat outstanding ornamental, from the tropics to the subtropical, nicknamed the pudding piped purging showered. Early part of the year sprays will flower, and carpenter bees are pollinators. People eat flowers, livestock leaf-eaters, green leaves that yellow flowers will cover. Medicinal and herbal properties, Opulent indulgence amenities.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 12/29/2023 6:16:00 AM
Oh wow what an awesome tree.. Did I tell you my other pen name is the Poetic Gardener? I love nature and flowers.. I have around 29 different roses in my garden.. which is a bit neglected now.. I like you sonnet, especially the last couplet how it rhymes... Always learn something from these.. all the best..
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Hilo Poet
Date: 12/29/2023 6:39:00 PM
Ah, a 'Green Thumb', albeit, from what I've read recently, and then before then, ... dare I say it leans favorably, howbeit, fair play justifies a righteous reality. 29 a bit envy', even if they'd equally negily, that green thumb attends most assuredly. Thank you, Silent One, for not being so, --mute but share-full. Aloha, William
Date: 12/29/2023 6:04:00 AM
Beautiful nature images throughout, William. Nature gives so much, as you so wonderfully convey.
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Hilo Poet
Date: 12/29/2023 6:11:00 AM
A flavorful tree out in your backyard thereabouts, Vijay. A beauty I must say, and I think I did, my friend. Aloha, William

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