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Sometimes we forget, that we, I, as singular people, cant avoid being alone. That we make ties and bonds But sometimes they break. Sometimes we try and it doesn't work. Sometimes relationships don't last. Sometimes we put in the most effort and see no result. Sometimes the people around us need to be left behind. Sometimes we grow differently, grow apart. Sometimes they need another try. Sometimes we need to give them another try. Sometimes we cant stay back with them. Sometimes we cripple them. Sometimes they cripple us. Sometimes they stay and we go, or they go and we're left behind. Sometimes we can stand by them. Sometimes they cant wait on us. That's just how it is sometimes and we forget, cause we had such a great time. A phenomenal time with them. Not leaning an ear to the pages of life, as they rustle with the winds of change. And sometimes, its okay to be mad at the change. Okay to be sad, disappointed, warry of it. But only sometimes, not all the time, Because change happens all the time. Sometimes we realize it too late, other times too early, but it's bound to happen, cause few things stay the same. Sometimes there's rain. Sometimes there's sun. And sometimes we cant be happy with it but we need to learn to be satisfied, and live on. Move on. Whether together or apart.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 7/19/2018 3:04:00 PM
Hello Lockesha Harry,it is nice to meet you. Your poem is logical. I like this poem you have created. Have a nice day my friend.
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Date: 7/17/2018 2:57:00 PM
Lots of wisdom in these lines. Love your poem, Lockesha. Superbly done.
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