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Someone Watches Over Me

Over the horizon beyond each hand printed star someone watches over me Beckoned wind, gently makes its presence known upon my tired brow The sun is commanded to stand down take your royal bow. With the form and features of unique strength in her hair. Oh, how I so long to meet her there. Over the horizon beyond the hand painted moon someone watches over me With shod feet of brass - in her grounded stable stance Orders even the fireflies to entertain me thru their dance. She sends the healing of the hummimng birds when I am ill. All this done at her one spoken will. Oh, how I so long to meet her there.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 1/9/2012 2:20:00 PM
This is beautiful... Very, very beautiful.. Loved it... Putting on favorites..
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Sherman Avatar
Valerie Sherman
Date: 1/9/2012 3:56:00 PM
Thank you..I wrote this in rememberance of my sister Judy that passed away suddenly on 2/12/2011..

Book: Reflection on the Important Things