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Some Thoughts To Shove Wherever You Feel Like - Working Title

I love having pointless conversations Pointless and boring to the wrong ears But a captivating landscape of possibility to the right ones Me and my friends talked about a clock on a stick for about 45 minutes once - it's one of my top 100 great times Another time someone in the office suggested we should Google elephant nipples - I think that convo ended with someone doing a cat walk impression in a slightly outrageous coat I'd worn to work that day - it's called fun No one cares where a story starts and ends in casual conversation - comedians do that as a technique they actually rehearse I am hyper vigilant the majority of the time, checking if I'm losing the audience I've got the right intonations to maintain interest - there's no monotone, I'm animated, engaged and in touch with my emotions In the last few months I've released my fears a bit for my quirky personality and just chatted when out and about An art director, gallery owner and an artist (3 different people) - I just struck up conversation and stayed engaged in it for a while with all 3 (unlike me) Each gave me their details to contact them again (not sure what to do with that - so never quite turned it into buddies) No one thought I was going to buy anything, they just found me interesting I mean I could have said 'hello, I'm going to look around, don't mind me' and that would have been quite concise and efficient Not sure what I did say as an opening line but I know each conversation was 'I get you' Here I'm just a weed growing and frowned upon, stealing nutrients (chocolate) and there's no knowledge of my medicinal qualities, how much the bee's rely on me and you know other great stuff (like dandelion and burdock for instance) Please use the next two lines to consider a list of expletives I feel in response to being closed down when I speak... ( ) Just said something pointless to my friends about having pointless conversations and they've leapt on it to agree it's all our number 1 passtime and the best fun ever. Even a poetry prompt is an invitation to pointlessly ponder for the joy of the experience In the conversation with the art director, she mentioned I was an artist (we were discussing some art I'd just done and the poetry that went with it, paired with my personality type and life view) and that immersion in art would benefit me greatly I haven't yet bought a beret and a scarf but I wear unusual clothes and ponder (to myself) the beauty of a brick, piece of broken glass, spider web, discarded sweet wrappers etc every now and again ( ) - space left intentionally blank for the unsaid words to occupy Apparently I've misunderstood ( ) I lived in those brackets of unsaid words but I'm not going to any more (apart from to him, where I'm keeping my responses unblemished)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 6/27/2023 11:52:00 AM
I often find myself engaged in pointless conversations, too Dilly. Usually started by me just for the heck of talking to a friend or a stranger. My son thinks I’m a titch too trusting or wordy, but I’ve found some good points come from pointless discussions. Once terribly shy, I’ll talk to anyone or at least offer a friendly smile. I enjoyed a glimpse of you ;-)
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Da11y Avatar
Di11y Da11y
Date: 6/27/2023 12:35:00 PM
Thanks Lin x
Date: 6/27/2023 4:49:00 AM
The poem takes the mind on quite a like the twists and turns and the way you work in the associations. The prose form works and seems suited to the flow of thoughts that bubble on the page.
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Lawless Avatar
John Lawless
Date: 6/27/2023 5:57:00 AM
AH, to meander, to wander, aimlessly with intent, to peruse the surrounding circumstances, to engage without engagement .... there is a mystery to it and in it. Keep on meandering is an art in itself
Da11y Avatar
Di11y Da11y
Date: 6/27/2023 4:58:00 AM
Thanks Paul! You do have a considerable amount of patience I imagine but perhaps we are both artists happy to meander with ideas - thank you for your kindness as always x

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