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Solomon and the Seven Gifts

Solomon possessed a gift 'Wisdom' was her name He courted her most graciously And soon her sisters came. When 'understanding' raised her head Solomon was there And wisely let her lead the way To things both rich and rare. 'Knowledge' seemed a burden She was so vast and wide He shared her with his heads of state And all were satisfied. 'Discernment' spoke so softly Sometimes t'was hard to hear Her words were like the finest gold T'was wise to keep her close; he held her very dear. 'Healing' caught him by surprise She just showed up one day "Because you sought the kingdom first I'm yours, your gift to stay." Diverse was she who 'speaks in tongues' But Solomon was wise And all that she revealed to him He quickly analyzed. The last to come was 'Prophecy' In visions sure and true And dreams of futuristic things She showed him all things new. "These seven gifts," said Solomon Have answered all my 'whys' What looked to me like vanity I see with better eyes. RETA PRUITT August 29, 2016

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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