Soldiers (Angel of Sadness)
The soldier’s gone march
Like soul mates never depart
These soldiers gone march
While you struggle to understand this art
The soldier’s gone march
By no means am I apologizing
But I will admit
That these were the time I could not see
Through your eyes, my writing, I’m acknowledging
These were only the images you would permit me to be
My selfishness becoming a common existence
I beg of you, relish the thought, and be persistent
If no one else will, then maybe you will listen
As a separate part of me
It’s the tragedy’s I’m missing
The fallen hero of a beloved romance
Life, I’d give it up to touch and slow dance
Blue jays chirp
As to me, a coming of new days alerts
Maybe it’s the journey
To and from the mistakes we’ve made that hurt
My saddest moments
Tune the sound of an empty bottle of Jager
You had us an hour previous to noon
Found sympathy in a model
Abusively you want to save her, so you shake her
Hoping your cruel touch will awake her
Whether I’m in Bagdad or marching up the Himalayas
With sworn enemies to slay us
Beneath my ashes you may lay our trust
But this soldier’s gone march
Copyright © Jerry Golden | Year Posted 2007
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