Socialism Sonnet
Socialism Sonnet
By: Miracle Man
January 15, 2021
We now hear talk about guaranteed income,
The end to our freedom will be it’s outcome.
If Socialist’s are successful in forcing us to live,
off of some handout the Government can give.
Don’t listen to those who perpetuate this folly,
The end result will be, that all become melancholy.
Socialism destroys a person’s willingness to excel,
so this kind of thinking rational minds should repel.
Too many can't see the forest, for a single tree,
and are actively seeking anything that seems free.
My first amendment right guarantees my say,
and what the government gives, they can take away.
Socialism ruined countries from which this idea came,
now some are advocating making this country the same.
The most terrifying words in the English language are:
“I'm from the government and I'm here to help.”
Ronald Reagan
Copyright © Tom Wright | Year Posted 2021
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