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Soar my sisters soar

I never prayed for patience It was not my forte as I'm one who wants things to always move right away but I've learned that life is like planting a seed. It will grow in its own time and we can't really intercede now imbibition comes first that's when the water enters in it activates the seed's enzymes so growth can now begin the seed then develops a root it commences to sprout and shoot and the process of photomorphogenesis begins to take place when the light comes in and determines that seed's growth rate and like the seed of God His anointed word it grows inside of us usually unobserved it moves at its own pace it renews us from inside it moves with a mighty strength that never ever subsides so wait on the Lord let God take you to germination wait on the Lord with patience and a godly determination and know that God has already cleared the runways in your life you're now ready for takeoff so just enjoy the flight soar my sisters soar like eagles flying high soar my sisters soar it's time to take the skies so take the time and recognize the shift when God moves about realize and summarize that the process is tantamount soar my sisters soar it's time to run and not grow weary soar my sisters soar walk and never be faint nor dreary let God pour into you so that you may sprout and grow shoot let God imbibiate you so you may get those spiritual roots soar my sisters soar take flight like an eagle soar my sisters soar rise above all of life upheavals your destined for greatness for you have been ordained soar my sister soar now go fly high in Jesus's name

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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