So You Think Gangs Are Cool
So, you think gangs are cool,
Are you really that big a fool,
Did I not see you at a rally to make women your equal?
And did you not support a carpool,
To keep children safe from a possible ghoul.
What makes you think gangs will let any woman think they are equal,
Did you not hear about shots being fired at a car that was taking kids,
to school?
Might not a gang member have the potential to become a ghoul,
Now do you still think gangs are cool,
Or are you an even bigger fool.
So, what can you do to show you are no fool,
Without being shot by a ghoul,
If you have kids in school,
Tell them you think gangs are no longer cool,
When they bring drugs to school,
Which if imported could be funding terrorists,
Who are even less cool,
I am sure, there is even more you can do,
If you want women to be your equal,
Your children to be safe at school,
And you have not yet sold your soul.
Copyright © David Smith | Year Posted 2020
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