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12/30/2024 for Animals Poetry Contest sponsored by Constance La France

"A boy and his dog make a glorious pair; no better friendship is found anywhere." – Edgar Guest It was the happiest day for this boy when our new puppy, Frisky, came. She was a dynamite bundle of joy, setting my brother's and my lives aflame. My childhood was never the same. Can you guess what an old rope is for? My dog Frisky knows the answer to that. It's for playing good 'ol tug of war. She was so good; she took me to the mat. You can't play that game with a cat. For fun she would escape from our yard, and the kids in the neighborhood found, though we all ran fast and tried hard, it wasn't easy to catch that hound, as cheers from us kids did resound. We grew older with other things to do, and Frisky became like that dragon Puff, she missed the attention she was due, and didn't get to play around quite enough, but she was smart and did other stuff. My dad, as a hobby, kept honeybees, so Frisky learned to hunt those guys, and that's how she'd shoot the breeze. Her slapping paws gave quite a surprise to pollinators of diminutive size. The neighbor cat always walked on the wall, teasing our dog who wanted to catch her. Frisky would repeatedly jump up and fall. That cat laughed and would amusedly purr. Our beagle never got that mouthful of fur. Sometimes, outside, she grew lonely at night, and she howled into the void. It just didn't seem like it was right when the neighbors became annoyed, and a locked doghouse my dad employed. Though, a few times, I forgot to feed her, Frisky was always a faithful friend. At ten, my best buddy died of cancer, the only one on which I could depend. Yet, I think she was happier to go in the end.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 2/10/2025 10:40:00 AM
Pleasant memories Dave. They live with us as friends, sometimes family. Congratulations! :)
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David Crandall
Date: 2/11/2025 7:58:00 AM
Thanks, yes, they really can be part of the family!
Date: 1/1/2025 3:48:00 PM
Beautifully composed piece, David. I enjoyed it very much! Happy New Year!
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David Crandall
Date: 1/1/2025 8:36:00 PM
Thanks Edward! My childhood pet was my inspiration!
Date: 1/1/2025 2:03:00 PM
Sad. Too bad she had to stay outside. I've fought neighbor's over dogs many times, and had a lawyer on notice. I feel your grief and loss.
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David Crandall
Date: 1/1/2025 2:42:00 PM
Thanks Hilda!

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