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Smiling Faces

SMILING FACES Intro: shalom, hi, hey and hello, welcome to my poem called smiling faces, where all faces are not the SAME. But some of them, are the face of FAME. And others, are the face of SHAME. But nonetheless, not all faces here, value their good NAME. And you know? Because some of them are full of GAMES; also out for GAMES; and so, it doesn't matter if their good NAME gets DEFAME. And so, without further a due, here's my poem called SMILING FACES; and goes a little something like this: Sometimes, some smiling faces, is the very FACE, that will take you PLACES. And have you to MOVE, and get you on the GROOVE; have you to go more than a MILE. And still, have you not to go WILD, be WILD; and also to act WILD. And be straight foul. But instead, some of them would PROFILE you, see your FILE; know your STYLE, while they have you to SMILE MILD like a little CHILD. And sometimes, there are some of them, that would SKIN and GRIN with you and plus, at you, WHILE they give you ah glass of GIN to sip on; and hope that, you don't SIN, but lift up your CHIN, while they take you IN like a true FRIEND and FAN. And see you through, up until you can STAND and FIEND for yourself at the very END. For sometimes, there are some of them, who would smile at you and plus, smile with you and even smile in your face; and still think that you are a WASTE, simply because, they cannot get into your good GRACE, SPACE, CASE; also, FACE. And so, therefore, they just want you to be out of the RACE. Because you have such ah beautiful smile, FACE, TASTE,; also PLACE. but anyway, deep down INSIDE, with all jokes ah SIDE in some of their MINDS; also heart, BEHIND their smiles, some of them are as WILD as a CRODOCILE running on TILES. And trust me, I am not in a DENIAL. For I have been THERE; also HERE, for AWHILE; definitely I know their PROFILE; also STYLES. For many of them are DEFILE and full of GUILE. and why is that? It is because, some of them, are always LIEING, and have something to HIDE. And so, for that reason, they are not as open and WIDE like the blue SKIES. For many of them goes under DESGUISE and doesn't want to be RECOGNIZE for their LIES; or for being SLY. And truly that cannot FLY in my EYES, for I find them to be pretty SLY and I cannot let it FLY, SLIDE; or RIDE and DIE without keeping a close EYE.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 3/14/2017 7:22:00 AM
Giving introduction about smiling faces is wise and interesting. Going little and more with smile amazes mind. Wonderful poem is shared here. ...7
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Date: 3/19/2016 12:29:00 AM
Abiygayil Yisrael, i like this one very much. SKAT
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