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Smack Crackle Pop

Smack crackle pop The fire was throwing herself She would smoulder occasionally into grey Then revive herself with orange flame shoots, delighting me and the other kids. These kids were pretty much strangers to me. I was re-thinking my decision to tag along with my cousins, who were wearing unusual faces in the shadows of the fire. A loud popping sound came from behind. "Was that a gun?" Some of us laughed nervously. Probably a deer walking in the woods, A camp counselor suggested. Sure.... The tents were starting to look maniacally mean Same time next year? My cousin whispered into my ear. I sat mesmerized, staring at the campsite that always brings me home. Of course! I whispered back. This was only my thirteenth year at Lake Red Haw. Why would I change any of this? An owl hooted a friendly hello. And I smiled. Knowing I would take this memory to heaven.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 3/30/2019 5:56:00 AM
Only ever had one camp fire, that was whilst camping... nice poem Caren..
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Caren Krutsinger
Date: 3/30/2019 9:23:00 AM
Thank you Silent One. I am so grateful to you for your visit today.
Date: 3/29/2019 11:04:00 PM
This is beautiful, my friend. There's something very magical about campfires at night.... great memories! ;)
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Caren Krutsinger
Date: 3/30/2019 4:18:00 AM
You know I had three campfires this week at my home, right? One of them was a mistake; I quickly realized I could have easily had a forest fire.
Date: 3/29/2019 9:34:00 PM
Being a girl Scout I can relate to this being around the camp fire being with strangers who became my friends by the end of the singing, talking, cooking smores or just plan marshmellows. It was fun. It was a place where we were on our own to certain degree. It's a great memory of childhood. Enjoyed immensely.
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Caren Krutsinger
Date: 3/30/2019 4:19:00 AM
Thank you Bette. There is nothing more endearing, and no better way to make life-long friendships.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry