Skin to Skin
I want that skin to skin
Hands wrapped around him
Under his shirt
Hug love making
Tongue and lips verb vibrating
I want someone who I can stare into their eyes
Get lost, become entranced by
emotions someone feels for me
Continuously jolting my heart
With our exchange of electricity
I want to be electrified by your touch
I want sparks
I need flames this I know as much
I'm tired of being cold with only words to keep me company and console
I dream of
Warm reassuring hands on my shoulders when I am anxious and overwhelmed
Or little
Thoughtful gestures of acknowledgment
Of the love between two souls
Hopeless romantic
This is something I don't often tell
I look solid.
Strong enough, alone. Solid, a boys girl
this much I've grown to know
I appear to be able to light my own fires to keep myself warm
Pat myself on my back
And just keep moving forward
And you all say
She always finds a way
Yeah, because no one does that for you
This I learned the hard way over time
I just can't get it right
I stopped searching for someone else's light
But nothing came
Nothing but cold nights
And that kind of diminished my light
Searching or waiting for love,
I never could keep
So, I have been just focusing on me
They said that might help
But I've been focusing on myself
For as long as I can remember and hell
Prince charming could just have well ridden right past me and off this delusional hill, and I was probably so busy focused on focusing on myself
Oh well
I'm tired of waiting for someone to break this lonely spell
I want to melt into someone's arms
Not shrink inside myself
I am all I have
This is a lonely thought as well
I feel like I dubbed myself
The knight and shining armor of my own hell
Chasing after a magical creature to kiss and break this spell
Copyright © SeaAirUh Ma | Year Posted 2024
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