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Skating Upon Saturn's Rings

We skate by each other. I look at my brother, who is lost in the excitement; he has always been an adventurous soul. My brother moves ahead of me, beaming with joy. I wonder how we ended up in this place and shake my head several times to jolt myself into reality. The rings of Saturn are magnificent, a spectacular eight. As we skate on the icy rings, different colours emerge, alternating between blue, purple, green, orange, and red. As we glide toward the inner rings, my brother disappears and reappears. I wonder what is happening until he finally vanishes completely. I shudder with fear and almost lose my balance, but something keeps me steady. Suddenly, I disappear too. I'm back home, with my brother standing beside me. Our skate shoes are gone. February 24, 2025.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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