Skating On Solid Ice
Stretching forward,
To test the ice,
I pull back,
Scared the ice may fracture,
Scared I might fall into,
The cold dark, dreamless,
Abyss below.
Turning to walk away,
I watch the Sunlight sparkle
Across the polished lake,
And I think of you,
How it had been,
When we first danced,
Our hearts in our Hands,
Across the frozen lake,
We slid and twirled,
Free on Solid ice,
Safe with a love
We never thought
To question.
And as rays of moonlight,
Illuminated the frozen night,
Our minds Melted,
All doubts dissolved,
No Today or Tomorrow,
Day or night,
Only this moment.
But now as the spring sun,
Lifts higher into a deep blue sky,
New warmth,
Claims back,
Last winter’s gains,
And yesterday’s certainties
Slowly melt away,
Perhaps when the ice,
Becomes strong once more,
and a glowing moon,
Reveals itself,
With Crystal rays,
that pierce through,
Dark Silver edged,
Snowy clouds,
I will find you,
Out there,
Just you,
Dancing in the golden light,
No other dancers,
No other longing eyes,
To tempt,
or steel,
Our gaze.
Just us,
Free to dance,
On solid Ice.
John Roberts (October 2017)
Copyright © Johny Roberts | Year Posted 2023
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