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Sit With That Feeling

when you feel like pacing up and down hitting yourself in the head on that perimeter fence of enclosed emotion bracing for an onslaught of pain that won’t dissipate on the barbed wire fences a watch tower is mocking and increasing the hurt steps are weary burdensome and dirty boots of contempt become unfastened as the pace picks up despite feet sinking further into a mud of injustice overthinking does not improve matters cannot close off attacks without impunity prison guards are wielding the knife knowing full well that they are the ones who hold shackles and straight jacket gate keepers they are holding the iron weld key reason and passion are bedfellows make love sometimes at others wage war they hold meaning when sense may not see it and knee jerk reaction make me want no more no less than cuddle the duvet sink into the pillow and disappear without comeback the mountain mole hill quivers earth worms sliver with slime and my skin seems cleaner than my insides which are raw time that invaluable concept may heal and bring forth positive change and the ink in my quill still touches the paper turbulent and still as if commotion was stagnant 19th December 2022

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 12/19/2022 4:17:00 PM
your poems feed each to read - ' passion and reason are bedfellows ' Truth, Kai, - usually overlooked polar pairs. Adore your therapeutic writing.
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Neumann Avatar
Kai Michael Neumann
Date: 12/21/2022 10:49:00 AM
Thank you. Therapeutic or not, my poetry does not come from a very happy place. It has been a shit year. But writing has helped. Kind wishes, Kai

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry