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Sins of Our Fathers

Don't mistake the dead For stagnant statues in the ground Cause they are still alive Very much alive in their clans In their homes They even walk around You just can't see them With your naked eyes They are alive Still making demands To the living For the wrong that would have been done to them They make the children of the wrong doers pay Pay for the sins Of their fathers Especially the Girl child She is used to pay of debts, Ngozi and so on I cry, weep for the Girl child For so long we have fought For equal rights and opportunities But today eneaquality is still rife In the form of tradition We have been suffering eternally As if we killed Jesus From the time of Eve When she ate of the fruit From the forbidden tree Now when we give birth we must know pain After raising our child, It is then given off to a Ngozi And the cycle continues The sins of our Fathers The cycle Like that of a mosquito It only seeks blood The pains of birth are untold But to lose a child to a Ngozi Is much painful All hopes and dreams are dashed It is like playing with water and mud It was all for nothing It is only the Daughters who pay all their life For the sins Of Their Fathers My heart bleeds Cause they are no longer citizens But are forever bargaining tools When will it one day change When will the tears Of the Girl child fade Call it a spade for a spade The price for another human is another human We are jumping into another form of slavery And we do not even know it Daughters are the price of our Father's sins Suddenly life feels like a bed of thorns The ones which we did not make for ourselves We are nevertheless forced to lie in it The pain in my heart hurts like a dagger to the chest Even in these modern times We are still slaves To the cameras We are still daily abused Society uses us to sexually gratify themselves And in return we are given a piece of paper that they call money That doesn't even give us an ounce of dignity But we are far too deep in the rabbit hole To realise the truth for it is too dark And we are both blind For ,''Another man cannot lead another blind man. They will both fall into a ditch''

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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