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Sing Me a Lullaby

Sing me a lullaby Rock me gently to sleep Whisper loving words in my ear Make promises you can't keep Sing me a lullaby As the rain falls outside Hold me close to you When in your arms I hide Sing me a lullaby Lull me with your voice Sing of our future together As if I have a choise Sing me a lullaby Cloud any thoughts I have About you deceiving me That you could possibly be bad Sing me a lullaby Make sure that I'm asleep Before you head out into the night Into the arms of another And make her promises you cant keep

Copyright © | Year Posted 2009

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Date: 1/21/2009 8:11:00 PM
This is sad, but it happens more often than we could ever imagine....I think Sugarland has a song out that is telling of this same thing....always, Christy
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