Nothing's wrong, everything's fine
I can choose, but can't decide
Looking up, but feeling down
Standing up, but falling to the ground
No questions asked, but the answer, why?
Hold back the tears, but begin to cry
Looking happy, but inside sad
Feeling good, but thinking bad
I kept some, but threw away all I had
I'm a failure, but a fad
I can touch, but can't feel
I'm a thief, but I don't steal
I'm alive, but dead
I have a mind, but no head
I have friends when I'm alone
I can sing with no tone
I'm in a dream, but it's real
I have no legs, but I kneel
My wounds hurt, but they're healed
My life is what I dealed
I float, but sink
I have no thoughts, but I think
I'm peaceful, but I'm a sinister
I can't hear, but I'm a listener
I'm blind, but I can see
I have no blood, but I bleed
I can cry, but I have no eyes
I wish to live, but I die
I have no feelings, but I feel pain
I'm soaked, but there's no rain
I love but hate
I'm on time but late
My face is numb, but I can feel it
I stand while I sit
I have no life, but a soul
I'm not in one, but a whole
I'm near but far away
I have to go, but I'll stay
Written December 2, 2001
Copyright © Kristin Baker | Year Posted 2008
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