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Silver Assurance

I am not certain that I can be prepared to handle a depreciating cost. That the paper I carry isn't worth anything aside from using it as kindle. So I take a chance, with one of two colors, that are so shiny they have been hidden in history and shared freely to everyone. I never took an interest in these shiny metallic colors until my curiosity could not stop the thought of owning it. I wanted it not for collecting but for preserving. So that someday soon if anything were to happen to all the paper in hand, I can use this and show those who respect it, that it is real and that it is far better than most assurances. Glimmering gold is too much for me to hold. Abundant silver is never enough for me to hold. I will continue to use all the paper I receive, that is still good enough to exchange, and give it away for more assurance. Silver. Assurance.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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