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Silent Thoughts

think of me as a poem; hear the words that fall from the faint whispers of my heart, it bleeds for you, more so than whitened lids that prop themselves open as if the backdrop of night. they see nothing without the gleam of stars that fall as i look in your eyes. feel my soul reaching out to yours, tempting you to whisper back like an echo rolling through hills, take me there take me there take me there. don't just feel the wind of my breath, but be the wind, the only air i breathe as i float down, gently, like words across pages. fill these same voids that wedge themselves between the beats of two hearts as if racing away from night. sleepless nights that hide my thoughts behind covers that cannot warm me from winter's chill, but rather force me to dream of a summer that may never come. read the depths of metaphor that flow through my veins; you are the lifeline that keeps me going. read me like a poem as it echoes from my heart, the words i cannot bring myself to say to you; i love you i love you i love you. a poem I just came across in my files that I wrote in 2000

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 4/20/2020 12:45:00 PM
Hi Sandra, This was greatly penned and versed beautifully. I'm glad I wandered in here. Beautiful work. Thanks for the read, I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Best of Wishes, William
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Date: 2/22/2020 4:39:00 AM
Such matured concepts and thoughts for a 10 year old! Great talent that has been growing in you! I enjoy your poems!
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Sandra Adams
Date: 2/22/2020 7:27:00 AM
Thank you Krish...I was a bit older than I didn't start writing until I was 16 thank you for your kind words... hugs
Date: 2/21/2020 5:22:00 AM
Great write. Emotions just flowing like the river. Wonderfully presented. Wishing all the best dear poet.
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Sandra Adams
Date: 2/22/2020 7:26:00 AM
Thank you so much Sanjay :)
Date: 2/20/2020 8:42:00 AM
Your poem written in the year 2000 is as powerful as the ones you write now. Poetry for you is the blood that flows through your veins. Blessings my friend. Jennifer.
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Sandra Adams
Date: 2/20/2020 7:18:00 PM
thank you so much Jennifer, what a kind thing to say... hugs and blessings to you...
Date: 2/19/2020 11:25:00 PM
Beautiful, Sandy. Thank you for sharing this, clearly your talent in poetry has been flowing through your pen for years. Lovely write way back when. Hugs Charlie
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Sandra Adams
Date: 2/20/2020 7:17:00 PM
Thank you so much was nice to find a glimpse into my past... hugs
Date: 2/19/2020 8:04:00 PM
This is fantastic! You are a talent, Sandy! Took me to heights heretofore unimagined. A FAVE's FAVE for me. Thanks, Gershon
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Sandra Adams
Date: 2/19/2020 8:06:00 PM
wow... thank you so much Gershon...especially for the fave, I am honored... see I have a softer side to poetry...I just don't pen it as much :) hugs
Date: 2/19/2020 4:35:00 PM
there are many who write poems there are not as many who write poetry, you write poetry my friend, it pours from you and cannot be contained only admired
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Sandra Adams
Date: 2/19/2020 7:02:00 PM
wow... thank you so much Frederic for your kind words... :) hugs
Date: 2/19/2020 4:00:00 PM
Wow, beautiful like always.
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Sandra Adams
Date: 2/19/2020 6:53:00 PM
Thank you so much Eve...I thought it was similar to my now style so wanted to share it... hugs
Date: 2/19/2020 2:00:00 PM
- There's always a lot of soul in your poems, Sandra :) - I hear echoes from your heart, many times :) - A wonderful truthful poem :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
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Sandra Adams
Date: 2/19/2020 6:52:00 PM
-thank you so much for such a kind comment muse does draw from the heart and soul I suppose... hugs
Date: 2/19/2020 12:13:00 PM
Absolutely beautiful. This one reaches in deeply and caresses the heart of the reader. And to think this poem is almost 20 years old. You talent knows no boundaries my friend. Loved this Sandy.
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Sandra Adams
Date: 2/19/2020 1:18:00 PM
Thank you so much Chris. I can’t believe I wrote it that many years ago. Who knows how many more I will find as I move things to the new computer :) hugs
Date: 2/19/2020 12:09:00 PM
A poem that has the heart of love and depth of metaphor. A poem of longing that awakens romantic soul--lovely my friend, as always.
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Sandra Adams
Date: 2/19/2020 1:17:00 PM
Thank you so much Vijay. It cool to look back on old poems sometimes. :) hugs
Date: 2/19/2020 9:50:00 AM
Very romantic thoughts too Sandra, well written. Tom.
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Sandra Adams
Date: 2/19/2020 9:54:00 AM
Thank you Tom...just changed computers as my old one crashed, I knew it was coming and saved things to different locations...going through emails I sent to myself and organizing files and found some old poems...I liked this one... though the site I worked on allowed color and stuff so the italic verses were in faded hues that really looked cool on the paper...each was a shade lighter the last almost invisible... hugs

Book: Reflection on the Important Things