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Silent Screams

To stop and ask just who I am Is very hard indeed For everyone I've ever been Is locked inside of me Too much for self to understand The silent screams I hear Oh help me please, won't someone help Are pleas for just my ears Which one of me is slipping past My ego there intact To make me let my weakness show And disintegrate my act Head held high, shoulders back Make-up and fancy clothes Are all a part of this game I play I'm the cast and the star of the show I ask myself what's real in life And this answer keeps coming to me You fool, you fool; just look around And reality you will see Someone inside is trying to get through And I know I cannot defend My ego and all that possesses me For I am my only friend I hurt, I'm sick, I can't bear any more I can't live in this world like I am For there's no one to care, no one to share No one to take my hand A voice deep inside says it's easy to leave Choose this gun and go into a sleep My ego cries out; yes let's do it right now Before someone changes your mind As I pick up the gun I know I have failed I am sorry for the others inside But they are too weak to carry me through And so I must say good-by A moment has passed and out of the depths Comes a fragment of something I know A voice strong and clear Fills my heart and my ears And says; wait it's not your time to go Take a minute, that's all; you can wait just one more To hear what I say, please don't close the door Close your eyes and your ears and listen to me For I am the truth and the light I died don't you know In a way that was cruel So in your life you might be free If you'll look deep inside you'll certainly see One of God's greatest miracles of all For it's really no secret just misunderstood It's love in the purest form I shake and I'm weak I fall to the floor My heart is ceasing to beat For when I looked in I knew right away One of God's greatest miracles was me

Copyright © | Year Posted 2007

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Date: 7/3/2016 12:45:00 AM
BJ H, enjoyed reading your poem, thank you for sharing your thoughts through words. *SKAT*
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