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Silent tears filled her broken heart Her emotions and feelings were torn apart She could have become more Yet society and its notions forbid her from making the move. She could have done better, But gender roles set her limits, impenetrable boundaries. She could have said something, Yet her voice was just like a squeal of a mouse, Meaningless! Others called it noise. That fear of judgment, that fear of shame Bred a silence that was hard to reclaim. The unspoken words of the woman became a burden A weight she carried every day, day and night A smile leading her every footstep, That same smile masking her wounds, And scars harboring her bleeding wounds. Where speaking up was an option, She instead swallowed her pain Like pushing a baby in the realm of war. Women must endure it all, they are mothers She held on a little longer awaiting salvation Until she could see the sun no more. Even at her lifelessness, She was belittled as weak and impatient She betrayed the hopes of her loved ones The same loved ones she died trying to please. We may sing and prosper as the human race Yet the tears of the oppressed, the depressed and broken haunt us still; It is a sign of the end of this regime, Where, women are bound to silent pain. Let us, then, break this silence and save the living Let us speak the truth that matters And support women’s mental health and well-being, in all we do.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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