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silence volumes and voids in between

i’ve never seen out a window ~ maybe you can help describe the scene said the blind man to Siri ~ asking her to throw light on his life’s dream a chatbot overheard Siri’s muteness ~ and typed I see what she means #bonus monoku# turn your iphone on its side ~ my point of view simply aligns the screen By David Kavanagh

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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Date: 2/7/2025 9:21:00 PM
Dear david, this is such a deeply moving and clever write too, i found the line " i see what she means " really creative as its about a person that cannot literally see. But in a metaphorical sense i see sometimes we need assistance or help with seeing things as they are as we too altho can see might not really be able to see beyond whats seen. Perspectives matter and we see and interpret based on learned cues of life and surrounding. One of those that made me think deep. Pleasure reading. Sending you light always
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Kavanagh  Avatar
David Kavanagh
Date: 2/8/2025 3:17:00 AM
Very true Ink, perspective is indeed the key when viewing anything even for a blind man, but Chatbots or AI do not possess any, only algorithms designed to emulate empathy, perspective and understanding, acting within set parameters, I love the meaningful way of you (sending me light) oxymoronically enhances the deeper wordplay in this particular monoku, thanks so much for stopping by with uplifting comment, cheers David
Date: 2/7/2025 5:22:00 AM
Some views are best left unseen. Sometimes, ignorance really can be bliss. My thoughts wander to what a private conversation between Siri and a chatbot might include... "Hello darkness, my old friend." It's where we'll be kept, no matter which way we turn our phone. Nice to read Monoku from you again, David.
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Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 2/7/2025 10:48:00 AM
Ahhh. Layers. Reminds me of a Katie Melua song… “piece by piece.”
Kavanagh  Avatar
David Kavanagh
Date: 2/7/2025 9:33:00 AM
I love the haunting uplifting lyrics in that song Lin, yes ignorance can be bliss, alas I am not wired that way, although I admit to have become desensitised because of propaganda and bias, I prefer to do my own research, but only on topics I’m interested in, read my reply to Daniel about that bonus monoku, although I will add there is a (twist) quite relevant to turning ones phone on its side :) thanks again for bringing that lyric with your comment, cheers David
Date: 2/7/2025 4:53:00 AM
Hello David, What do we do without Siri or Alexis? Yes, I thought your words were a quiet storm of depth wrapped in subtlety. I used to collect record albums and CDs and have a plethora of them over the years. Now I just say Alexis play.... and she plays it. News, weather, sports, podcasts, etc, etc, etc without really knowing. Or while driving Siri get me to ... Fun read this morning, Winter Blessings, my Friend, Daniel
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David Kavanagh
Date: 2/7/2025 9:12:00 AM
Heya Daniel The world seems to have become a slave to algorithms rather than the other way around, I have tons of CDs and other stuff in the attic myself, but never use them, Siri/Alexa is my default! chatbots are also pretty handy up to a point, but prone to faceless bias and telling us what we want to hear, the bonus monoku is based on my POV of how AI neatly stacks things, as opposed to lateral thinking, thanks so much for stopping by, cheers David
Date: 2/6/2025 3:12:00 PM
Ahh but 2D will never work when you've experienced 4D. I have a sudden urge to roll about in the garden again rather than just read about it :) I thought I saw Jupiter and Mars tonight with my eyes but I did check through my phone, am I living my best life or on a slippery slope to living in a box before I'm not living in a box? Great ponderful poems David - I'll await my grading with bated breath :)
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Kavanagh  Avatar
David Kavanagh
Date: 2/6/2025 3:45:00 PM
You are bang on Dilly, the moon and Jupiter are close together with Mars off to the left, I was looking at them myself just now, Nah we need our gadgets for instant access and information, besides you already think outside the box and know you will never really experience not living in the box, (damn a double negative) so I’ll give you an A plus I enjoyed figuring out these Monokus, but cannot tell if I invented or discovered them lol! Cheers David

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry