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Silence On Market Street

Everything is still, Everything is virtually quiet on market street I walked slowly down the street listening to a silent song singing from a distance land Then suddenly a strange stench oozing from the Chinese wholesale Store disrupt the rythm that was playing on the other side. As the excelsior delivery van opened door to drop off some goods, the stench ftom the Chinese store starts spreading all over the sky And the vultures are standing by getting ready to have their afternoon supper in the sky Suddenly five woman dogs and four male dogs starts parading in the middle of the street wagging Their tales around and carrying a message that is very concrete They walk around the litter sniffing and growling and communicating with each other as if they have found the answer.Empty stalls lay bare but you could hear the screaming and shouting of the higglers with present voices and absent bodies.I could still picture the brawling man with under the big colorful umbrella and his pushcart laden with food and vegetables white yam, yellow yam irish potatoes, onion, garlic and tomato and carrot piled up on his stall.And he standing around with his fiesty look as he beckon to the people to buy something to cook, he was not physically standing there but his presence was floating in the air.There is still bits and pieces of trash lying on the street and the badly constructed businesses staring at you on the empty, dry and reserved market street,. Just a day ago prople were hustling and bustling Excitement filled the air as people ran out of money Leaving their pockets empty and bare.Reality is finally Setting in as everyone is getting ready to pay for their sins Everything is closed but the dogs are shouting with a spirit that is echoing loud and the meaning cannot be found or measured in the crown. A dollar or a dime, a shilling or a pence, I have made my profit and I am going to heaven. Soldiers are parading through the street with long guns strapped to their backs They looked tired drained and hungry and They too cannot understand the prophecy Old cars moving up and down their drivers are looking for something to eat, they don't know where they are bound but they kept driving around the town.Everything is Still on market street and a new chapter in the life of the town is about to begin A town once rocked with misery will finally Have a new begining as it has paid double for its sins The market is empty and bare and the prople are finally listening.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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