Sigyn's Wedding Day:Dedicated To Tina Eidam
I remember the day well though long has it been
Tied to the cold stone slab as I am
Buried in a cave made of sand
On a vanishing isle of heather
The memory hastens me back to happier times of mead,
Food and of wedding bells chimes:
Her plain face flushed with joy and triumph
Flowing locks wrapped in flowers
Shone like the brightest day in spring,
She walks around the thread unbound
From Frigg's spindle. Her eyes meet
Met his be they jotunn, or be they fey
Locked in his, their hands meet
The flame dancers spark which had captured her heart
That kindness seen only for her
Even though she is not the most beautiful,
Or powerful, or grand. His distrustful eyes have seen
All those things, and others, and dismissed them.
For plain and drab
She is his love who will
Whose heart will give him the hope to keep going.
She is blood of my blood and bone of my bone
The father of monsters did say
The love of my care
If he had seen the future, the chase, the fight,
The slaying of sons, the tortured madness of the cave on the hidden isle
Would then i have stepped with her under the spindle's thread,
The answer is yes, my dear i cry for your sake though
For the loss you have seen no mother should spy
The death of our wolven sons our pride and your joy
When they came up out of the cave hunting and frolicking in the glade
But I have seen her,I have seen her true power
Seen her heart,her strength, her compassion, known her love,her tears,her endurance
And her pure loving heart,unclouded by the worries and malice of the worlds
In the face of all things she suffered beside me through it all,loyal beyond comprehension
She alone could bear to stand up puffy eyed in her weeping grief
When our children were slaughtered by the oh so merciful aesir.
Who should suffer through such torments and not want vengeance,
I hasten ragnarok not just for me, but for all the wrongs done my clan,
For my lovely wives’ suffering at the hands of the aesir
Odin who can see the future as it would be
Why do you cause my family suffering instead of punishing the Rokkr* at fault
Sigyn dear heart i do not know how after this all has happened
How you still take the hand of the one man she loved.
*Rokkr- The Jotnar, or Giant-folk, are gods and goddesses of Wild Nature - fire and wind, earth and ocean, animal and tree. The Rökkr are the greatest of their pantheon - the Gods of Underworld and change. They include angrbodda, sigyn, jormangandr, fenrir,jord, loki Laufeysonnr, surtr, Hyndla, Hela.
Copyright © Thomas Laufey | Year Posted 2020
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