Show Your Warrior's Pride To All
It's time to depart
from the clamorous harbor
as the crowd waves...
wearing faces of sorrow;
ah, dearest friend
of my happiest years,
leaving the somber shore,
remember my affectioned hug
hoping not to be the last...
may my presence be there:
in the cold sea and warm sand!
Stand up and salute your admired
and adored country
without hesitating and shaking;
show your warrior's pride
to all without crying...
look straight ahead
and be unequaled and invincible!
Be ready to live days of stride,
although tears will fall
and absence starts its toll:
whenever a soldier's fiery
spirit becomes weary!
Oh, be bold and strong
and hold that rifle
with a steady grip...
surviving is honoring the life
and the ones you love endlessly;
your kids and wife wait
for your return and pray fervently,
believe that without faith
strength is nothing:
a soldier must show his fighting will!
Stand up and salute your admired and loved country
without hesitating and shaking,
show your warrior's pride
to all without crying!
Be ready to live days of stride,
although tears will fall
and absence starts its toll,
whenever a soldier's fiery spirit becomes weary!
If your days are pass slowly,
and aren't promised as tomorrow:
be confident that hope will not dwindle,
or unexpectedly fade out completely:
it's a candle with a bright glow...
keeping its flame glowing steadily...
as a devoted love that's not fickle!
Stand up and salute your very adored and loved country
having a vision so clear!
Show your warrior's pride
to all without crying!
Be ready to live many days of stride,
although tears will fall
and absence starts its toll
when a soldier's awareness lets go of his horrific fear!
Copyright © Andrew Crisci | Year Posted 2021
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