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SHOCKING!!!!!!!! WHAT? THAT? Bad taste? They know not what is at stake They do as they please Then later beg for forgiveness A right sin And a dismal business Nothing is shocking anymore To thump each other They go to the extremes of bad taste The exotic of the past Is now the mundane of today To push the boundaries of rascality Is the new wanton game Played by trouble makers galore To shock is to liven up What a rebellious few Think is dreary and staid But is the result of good taste? Actions we take now do tell A story to our future What of our legacy? Will our avant-garde seem Nothing but a real shame? Critics slam with hyperbolic feelings Prolonging a naturally temporary phase The rebellion against the norm Is but a turbulent teenage phase Desperation for fame Pushes the tactless To seek increasingly embarrassing ways To force our senses to Confront what is best left private Books Art The stage All are infiltrated by the listless crew Who seem hell-bent on defacing decency Nudity Crassness Debauchery Bad talent No longer have critics powerful enough to Cauterize such abject mood swings Of artiste who feel no shame Extending the boundaries Of moral inhibition is not new Those that claim to be even more shocking Know not the history of petty rebellion They are just another transient few Decency has lost its unsung heroes Who slash canvasses And cover up the detritus of artistic license Those who oppose any act That does make us think Examine or Analyse our existence in new ways Are deemed too sensitive for modern life They are accused of bleaching creativity To be a rogue is best To impose any limits seems To rascals as wilful distress but Trendsetters don’t often know best

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 9/17/2012 2:03:00 PM
EVROD, congratulations with your awesome featured poem of the week... enjoy your day :-) PD
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