The hurt, the anger. You evoked the fury of Shiva,
The greatest curse on earth, and blessing.
You asked for enlightenment. Stupid request. Unless….
It was compassion that compelled me to destroy,
empathy that inspired me to crush your massive illusions
causing the destruction of your ego,
that wasted so much precious time.
You hate me now, for a while,
You have made all my truths laughable lies,
Shiva destroys the destroyer, How beautiful.
All my thoughts once pure and original are
brutal viscous jokes, like a fragile child
living in bouts of fantasy, the princess,
the frog, the witch, the prince to save her,
Its feels better there, doesn’t it?
The mind bomb exploding it all, dissolved,
The emotions uncontrollable,
left with no escape, only reality,
go ahead and create a new fantasy,
the taste of gun powder in our mouth,
ruins them all, with ego gasping its last breaths,
Debilitated, cant move, everything lost.
The darkest hour before the dawn.
The children crying, the ghosts howling,
the fingers pointing, begging hands,
demanding voices, the angels singing.
You can hear them all now.
We have work to do.
Co-written by Kelly Wright
Copyright © Michael Harman | Year Posted 2010
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