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Shining Brillering

“Shining brillering?” (1) Shining brillering as the sunferms fled, And all the flibbly wibblys were dead. The phileous metmats were duperful, Same was with the kallish oxbull. (2) Maybe the fabuful hunhun rats thought, As they were knardly taught, That flobbly mavetures were doof, And that monstrousome mackly were aloof. (3) “Have you conquered the marlands?” “The knusting outgoves full of namjands!” “Oh fameous, glimmerous ferls! The shimmerful badox, of which he hurls! (4) “Go and pogeous yourself my cheampish son!” “For you haven’t thurled the Tamtem dragun” “I shall go and murkill the vilesome creebeast, And shall galumph back to a preparous feast!” (5) Hours paypicked whentil the elompish tinny, A strajeous beasture, did come, and canniny, The boyman did strust his bolfish sword, Into the Mikmik, and tampered with its shambord. (6) The angrient beasture’s head did backret, Lownogging within the mav’s quilllbet, He then franifulled back to the queaceful villown, And collmed his darther with a panpanown. (7) Shining brillering, as the sunferms fled, And all the flibbly wibblys were dead. The phileous Metmats were duperful, Same was with the kallish oxbull... By Sebastian Janssens. Based on the poem ‘Jabberwocky’ by Lewis Carroll.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 2/17/2011 8:29:00 AM
Interesting peice, it reminds me of the Jabberwocky poem, it was one of my favs that we read in a philosophy class that i took. - miranda-
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