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I walked with heavy childish feet Where galaxies of white Chervil towered And asphalt ribbons did dance on air dividing fields of early summer flowers On that shimmering Tournant road from Tynte Park cross to an iron hill Blossoms in the June sunshine staying so silent and peacefully still Before me each cheating rise a false promise to a child alone With five shillings spent on a silver toy to shoot black crows on my way home Granite walls of the graveyard now behind my burning feet soon rest on cooler slate I will listen to the Stanley's hiss and boil its sap with the last of that good light I'd listen to the gentle swing, tick and tock struggling to keep time on those balmy nights While shadows eventually bury her black clock As moths gather about her death stained light

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 12/18/2015 2:44:00 PM
I have to admit that when I see a true Irish name on the list I don't walk, I RUN. I am seldom disappointed and this piece is no excepton. It is witout a doubt a masterful poem, full of brillliant imagery and (if I may say so) typically Irish language. BRAVO my friend! Best wishes, Keith (the Irish, for the most part, really know how to be poets)
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Bickerstaffe Avatar
Keith Bickerstaffe
Date: 12/18/2015 4:34:00 PM
you're on the right track... please keep it up! K.
Molloy Avatar
Declan Molloy
Date: 12/18/2015 4:30:00 PM
Thank you Keith. I'm new to poetry and feel a bit clunky at times but those were kind words indeed

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