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She is a Celebrity and a Delight

She is a Celebrity and a Delight Today I went to the retirement office. Bozo One was helping someone. Bozo Two was playing video games. A woman came in from a door and said to me “I know you, right?” She looked familiar too. She sat down and we began to talk. We spoke of our children and grandchildren. She was wonderful. She asked me what my name is. “Caren Krutsinger”. “I know that name,” she said,”I know you, don’t’ I?” “Maybe. What is your name?” “Dollene.” “Not Dollene Sanders!” She nodded. “You are THE Dollene Sanders!” Both Bozos looked up. “For years I have heard of you. Everyone I know says, “she is the only one in retirement who knows what she is doing Do not ask for anyone else. You have to have Dollene!” She expressed surprise that I had heard this. “Only a hundred times,” I told her. On the way out I wanted to linger. Because I was in no hurray to return to the hell-hole that is my job. I felt an urgent need to tell the Board of Education receptionist the Dollene Sanders story. I had to wait for her to take six phone calls. No problem. I wanted to wait for twelve phone calls. “Do you know Dollene Sanders?” I asked her. She nodded. I told her the story about meeting Dollene. “She is a celebrity, and a DELIGHT,” I told her. The receptionist repeated “a delight.” I told her how much I now love Dollene Sanders, and there was a small giggle. I gave her a stern look. She smiled and said “Dollene Sanders is my mother.”

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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