She Hears Voices
They are not telling her, "Take Nicole
Kidman Out" (the most beautiful girl
in the world, her special Babe)--
Not saying, "You're Charles Manson,
and do we have a job for you!"
They know she's a wordsmith
attuned to the alphabet,
and words to forge a poem,
write an essay, or sell her books
on E-Bay, whisper in streams
from faucets, banging pans,
and things that rustle
and swish. Voices from the veil,
or beyond the pale.
She guards the words
they send her, the given
words, the guileless
ones, for mantra du jour
or arbitrary notes--
So, Ye
of little faith, allow
her 24 hours before
calling the men
in white coats.
Copyright © Nola Perez | Year Posted 2008
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