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She Had a Dream I

Be truthful, supposing you were I, Would you have not snub the thigh? Opened its teaching; closed one eye Move swiftly so shy Rest weather to rely Not on heart contemplating to comply The weird moment fitting body's sigh. How then after would the night be raw Didn't you try to forget about eyes flaw? Got to bidding the length of trials gnaw Heart couldn't withdraw; Hands pooch its claw Then yummy belly rubs through the awe All promised now binded unto faint law. The reality of failure jumped into you, Avoiding the chance of traveling blue Young mind waiting the old heart glue... In probability's shoe, If luck will be for two: Either way too good for what are to chew, Meant for two; one for you, other undue Before usual restaurant menu's getting Would change its varieties not adapting To be of service in the house adjusting The economy pieces alerting¡ Though change is anticipating... Of luck to turn around terms annihilating Until then, every chance should keep battling Bread and butter pickles not yet married Sweet but rather plain of ingredients varied Yet both are good of end products carried But time don't take heed To get head by, cum lead Egotistical ambition rising for coming need Would have been secured, tends to succeed And give risk not to chance of another Taking over the place labored like blather: In sun of sweat raining rainbow's bother Of choice like no cloudy other Buried worrying in its smother Singing while pleading to earth's ethical mother To be fair in treatment handling her breather. Of course you aren't ready to be woman While he is willing to become a man Yet both are each other's life loyal fan Accepted lovely by thy clan If today follow up with plan Nothing come what may would bring ban Unless thou aren't through with thy scan. Get back on it; waste no time suspended Good night breaks morning overextended Would change its say if not well defended Black lady recommended Outshine claim depended By trust owned virtue not to be offended If truly swallowed as believed apprehended. Vow renewal cum omission to treading The grand tour of season's heart's spreading When will is to pray a good call for wedding Roll over oath's spearheading Open needle while threading Young hook to trap fish when bait so dreading To be spared like sinker; holding weight's reading. Oh that's an awesome bright side of when Mind being at rest thinks it's fun beside den Catching cruise with heart's feeling inside a playpen Of chance as narrow as a glen Praying favor to caress amen While debating grace prospects to come again Known well how second chance is rare of men.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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