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She Finally Lets Down Her Guard

She turns on the tv: Death smiles back at her again, Cannily, comfortably. The face of the so-called expert on the tv screen Suddenly breaks into a ferral canine smile. He is momentarily bug-eyed, His tongue lolls As he laughs along with his fellow so-called Experts appearing on the warmongering, corporate, Mainstream, so-called news-gabfest panel. In another world, it would, just as easily, be me there, Would, just as easily, be almost anyone, Instead of this all-too human man, Shamelessly running, for cash and fame, pitfalls against Humanity, through deadly cathode trees Invisible for the deadly cathode forest.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 2/23/2017 7:10:00 AM
Your poetry is razor sharp, exceedingly intelligent, and thoroughly enjoyed.
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Onderisin Avatar
Gary Onderisin
Date: 3/2/2017 4:52:00 AM
thanks, again, Maureen. kind commentary such as yours always makes me proud of my poetic efforts and makes my writing worth it to me. peace, gary

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