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I don't think she needs any sort of introduction. Forever on my mind, a thought obstruction, she waltzes through my brain- the angel of seduction. How could she possibly be of our world? Her heavenly hair that’s so naturally curled, And that wonderful face, so pristine and pure. She is adored by him, too, I am completely sure. He thinks of her often. She's even in his dreams. Every single one rips me apart at the seams. She visits him there, and though it is painful, I know in my heart that it isn't unfaithful. But she brings me feelings I haven’t felt before. A feeling of longing. Is it her I adore? I understand now why exactly he loves her. I were him, she would be the one I prefer. I've come to realize I don’t think I compare. My hair to hers, though the color we share, hers is tamed and pristine, unlike mine. My ugly, choppy hair, the texture of twine. My boyish body to her feminine curves, How her perfection can get on my nerves! Her complexion is favorable, her walk is elite- There is no fathomable way I can compete. Maybe I love her, too, for I can now see, when I truly look through thick clouds of jealousy, that “she” is the one that I wish was “me”.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 4/28/2021 6:23:00 PM
You must be relatively new to this site. Welcome! I know you will like it here. This is an impressive first submission.
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Date: 4/27/2021 8:15:00 PM
Beautifully written with so much grace. Your lines are thick with craft and fascination. Great work.
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