Shamrock Saint
A leaf of green
appendages 3
was Patrick's example
of the Trinity.
3 in 1 or 1 in 3
only one shamrock
would it be 3?
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
each to be adored.
All of the are present
but here only is one God.
The Son is not the Father
The Spirit not the Son
but these 3 eternals
are really only one.
Could Patrick be mistaken?
Could there be three?
Each of them supporting
a unity of agree.
The harp, the Lyre, the pipe
all play the same melody
3 instruments in unison
and perfect harmony.
Christ prayed that his disciples
would share his united way.
Standing before the father
there oneness they'd display.
If this is life eternal
to know the Father and the Son,
why then do we insist
that three is only one.
John 17:20-23
Copyright © Val Jennings | Year Posted 2019
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