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Sexy At Sixty

I was fit and feisty at fifty It was no big deal Because that's how half a century Is supposed to feel. In my sixties I'll take stock Start making great plans Ignoring all the 'you cant's' And embracing all the 'I cans'. Can I be sexy at sixty? and try all the fashions and fads Wear stockings and suspenders And Joan Collins shoulder pads. I can deal with sexy at sixty And wear Vivienne Westwood clothes Dress up and go out on the town Wearing all my buttons and bows. I'm going to be sexy at sixty I'll wear Gok Wan lingerie Find myself a toyboy Then maybe lead him astray. Swift and sexy at sixty When I get my Jimmy Choos Dancing the night away To the sound of Rhythm and Blues. Oh! I want to be sexy at sixty 'cause age is a state of mind I'm preparing my body at keep fit So as not to be left behind. But first, I have to deal with Old skin, Bad teeth and Grey hair Then remove the unwanted growths From just about everywhere. Then I'll definitely be sexy at sixty And undoubtedly done it all The only problem is that Most of it I simply won't recall..

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 12/24/2012 9:10:00 PM
Hazel, Once again, we find ourselves trapped in the Holiday Season. And, hear I am stopping by to say Hi and to wish you a Merry Christmas once again sincerely from my heart. Loving each moment I found comforting here on the soup. Thank you for any comment or support you have offered now or in the past. Love always & forever ~ PD
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Hazel Connelly
Date: 12/27/2012 8:31:00 AM
Thank you PD. :-)
Date: 10/18/2012 2:13:00 PM
If you can't recall... well just do it again... That's what I always say... Terry (good poem)
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Hazel Connelly
Date: 10/18/2012 3:25:00 PM
Yea probably will. :-) Thanks.
Date: 10/4/2012 5:23:00 AM
A warm welcome to PoetrySoup I offer you today Hazel. I wish for you the best in your writing endeavors whatever they may be. Hoping you find even more inspiration by reading some of the poetry written here by other poets. May the sun shine on you that you might find great joy in your life. Thank you for sharing your writing with us. Love, Carol
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Hazel Connelly
Date: 10/4/2012 9:25:00 AM
Thank you Carol, I am reading a lot of poetry on here, and did so before I joined. Hazel
Date: 10/3/2012 1:16:00 PM
You go for it girl. Men can be sexy at sixty so women can be too, they say it all depends on the man you are with or you are as old as the man you feel xx
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Hazel Connelly
Date: 10/3/2012 2:07:00 PM
Thanks Mandy, well my man is slightly younger so!!! x
Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry