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Settling into love for a person for a sacred place fertile organic rich growing space Easy when felt obviously warmly positively copassionately robustly returned Difficult when mean selfish cruel cold indifference perpetuates competing to not further communicate Bilateral lose/lose zero-sum competitive rules Less golden than intending win/win Unlikely to age gracefully cooperatively happily healthily safely steadfastly saving positive protagonist panentheistically felt sacred faced fast-paced race through insufficient reconnecting time Settling into fear against another angry person against an anxious all-consuming place threatening stuck neglected deadening space Easier to be hard to speak cruel cold indifference Forgetting impractical win/win curiosity possibly both unorthodox and unsafe cooperative economic co-investments and politically transparent vulnerable golden rules predicting virtuous grow of win/win co-passionate choice-making for lose/lose Trauma unconditional healthy-warm and positively safe from win/lose predative degenerating toward lose/lose harm for lack of win/win resilient unconditional warm charm Settling into love for each interdependent person for each polypathic sacred place fertile recreation organic speciation rich growing our neurosystemic healthy space.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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