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Sepulchral Whispers: a Plathian Annabel Lee Redux

In the shade and slip of paternal seas, a daughter dwells, known to all, consumed in thought by maternal deceits. Angel's flared bells blow a squall, in protest of her love for only me. I was a father, and she my child, a fated mistake incarnation, an angry descendant, the sea grows wild. Waves of revulsion, attempt at purgation, in disgust of her love for me. Seraphs and hell-dwellers covet alike, lissome Anna, they claim as their kin. Honey-vermillion fledglings make seiche, as expiation for the sin, of her love for me. Blue as humans, angels with disdain, hatched a terrible plan ill-conceived, sent a cyanic wind, Anna's breath now is slain, leaving the whole of creation bereaved, in spite of her love for me. A father sees the reason of heathens (as all men call rapacious saints) that blew onto Anna the poisonous breezes, and imposed dirty deathbed constraints, on her unnatural love for me. Surprised then they were, no wiser than thee, realized they can never dissever, despite how they tried from my Annabel Lee, my soul tie to her is forever, held fast in her love for me. Sour lemon moon now stealing my dreams, of a once devoted daughter. Dark, starless nights capturing screams, lamenting angelic slaughter, of the love they snatched from me. In burial chamber's embrace, my Annabel lies serene; still strange affection lingers in her remains. Neither angel nor demon could have foreseen, the futile attempt of death's chains, to restrain her love for me. Even at end, entwine of despair, our bond persists beyond the cold air. Sick silence of tombs by the sea, soft echoes of endless decree, Annabel whispers her love, still, only to me.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 12/5/2023 7:15:00 AM
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Date: 12/4/2023 8:38:00 AM
wow. such an amazing poem. this would make top placement in any Poe contest. I just didn't feel enough Plath here. But hey, maybe my next contest will be Poe only. save this bad boy!
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 12/4/2023 3:03:00 PM
It's weird but as I read through the poems I felt myself leaning more toward the Plath voice. Totally unfair since this was not a "Plath in the style of Poe" contest. My blog explains better
Thomas Avatar
Jaymee Thomas
Date: 12/4/2023 2:54:00 PM
Haha - your feedback is fair about it tipping too much toward Poe. I wondered whether the Electra complex as an overarching theme would be enough to consider it within Plath territory... there was a sour lemon moon after all :D Alas, I am just thrilled to have placed, and to read your incredibly kind comments. It is very gratifying to spend time on a thing and have others enjoy it as much as I do.
Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 12/4/2023 9:54:00 AM
One of the best written poems I've read on PS, period. Your talent is remarkable
Date: 11/19/2023 7:16:00 PM
A tragedy in rhyme, and futile attempt of death's chains. They could not stymie the enduring, endless love of Annabel Lee. Stirring, melancholy, tragic and yet beautiful. Exceptional rhyme and descriptive word choice. Thank you so much from SV.
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Thomas Avatar
Jaymee Thomas
Date: 11/22/2023 7:54:00 AM
You are such a thoughtful commenter, SV. Your specificity has a way of making me feel quite special. Thank you so much for spending some of your time with me.
Date: 11/19/2023 1:27:00 PM
Where did you come from princess of words? Too magical to be newly fermented?
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Thomas Avatar
Jaymee Thomas
Date: 11/22/2023 7:49:00 AM
Ahhh, Craig. I hail from the storied land of boredom and intense self-interest. But truly, your kind words are the real magic here. Thank you for the royal approval ;)

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