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Self Reflection

The shattered mirror is all that remains of her past life Symbolizing the broken spirit of her battered soul Yet, so reflective of light and visual interpretation She can see where she was and where she is now It holds not her spirit within the confine of the looking glass As she had escaped upon the day she broke it apart She is strong now as she looks upon it, she even smiles Realizing, she is not the reflection of life, but the self before it

Copyright © | Year Posted 2008

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Date: 6/11/2008 6:45:00 PM
Hello Michael It's a good thing when we can look in the mirror and see what the past was and realize how much we have grown from it.TO self be true.This poem would make a good conversation piece. B BLESS Crystal
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Date: 6/11/2008 2:29:00 AM
This poem is stunning. Self reflection, so hard but so necessary. Lovely Peace Fathima
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Date: 6/11/2008 12:09:00 AM
I swear this going in my favorite poems this is excellent in every since a poem of escape and freedom of what was a part of oneself before but then able to release and then look back on it proudly with no regret knowing what she became great, Foy
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Date: 6/10/2008 3:58:00 PM
Oddly relatable and touching to my soul~ U are a candid writer and have so many deapths to your writting~(depths)sorry...he he:) I am not at all unsure about my consious vs. conscience in the write you commented on~ YOU ARE CORRECT TO CORRECT ME ;) I Love your faithful kindness in my corner and the words you put down in all your poems you help me see a perspective to a lot of different topics and levels from a new view and it is extremely encouraging! You are an inspiration to me! Thanks U! :)me
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Date: 6/10/2008 10:35:00 AM
Hello Michael My mind is full of insight, for within this outstanding write there is a lot of internal insight. My mind is spinnning with images that I see written within your words. The ending is perfect! Much food for thought here....Love it! You are an endless inspiration to us all hun! Take care Blessings to you and your family. Love Light Truth Patricia
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Date: 6/10/2008 6:20:00 AM
These very words are like my own. It was as if I was reading about myself. Great job once again! :) Cheers, Alana
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Date: 6/10/2008 5:56:00 AM
Michael, I could have written this about myself! Exactly, you could not describe me better. cool how others mind-words can perfectly describe it! Kristin
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